Happy New Year! December was actually quite a busy month,
but I still got a LOT of reading done!
And… I got a Kindle for Christmas. I have been quite against digital books
because I really like “real” ones, but I must say… I love it! I still say I
shall still never give up my real, paper and ink books for digital and there
will still be books I shall want to get to hold in my hands and keep on my
“…the only knowledge
worth having in the end is knowledge that leads to love – love for God and love
for people.” (- John Piper, Does God Desire All to Be Saved? p. 11)
Finished this month:
When I Don’t Desire God – How to Fight for Joy by John Piper
This is my second time reading this book and it’s in my “top
10” list. It’s such an amazing book (unless you’re the kind of Christian who is
just happy all the time and you never struggle…). One question he asks is one
that I have sometimes struggled over: “How can all these good things serve joy
in God, and not usurp the supreme affections of our hearts?” (p.178) This he
discusses in some detail for a few chapters and it is very helpful. Convicting,
yes, but that’s a good thing.
“… the way we destroy
deceitful, joy-killing desires that threaten to overwhelm us with destructive
cravings is to hear and believe the Word of God when it says that He and His
ways are more to be desired than all that sin can offer.” – John Piper, When
I Don’t Desire God, p. 105
The Jefferson Lies – exposing the myths you’ve always believed about
Thomas Jefferson by David Barton
If you want to better know who the real Thomas Jefferson was, you should read this book! It’s amazing to me, that even with my classical
Christian-based education I’ve still gotten some false information or
impressions about Jefferson. It is so sad how
so many people have taken his own writing (and other information spoken about
him) out of its context and defamed him, his beliefs and character. I could
write a whole blog post reviewing these lies… oh wait, I did here….
“My views… [are] very
different from the anti-Christian system imputed to me by those who know
nothing of my opinions.” (p. 83)
A Call to Spiritual Reformation by D.A Carson
I had started this book quite some time ago and never
finished it… so I did! It was really excellent. When I first started it, it was
a bit tedious, and then I got distracted by some other books so it got set
aside. But it was a great book on prayer; why we should pray, why we don’t
often pray, how Paul prayed and how we should imitate him.
“It takes nothing less
than the power of God to enable us to grasp the love of Christ. Part of our
deep ‘me-ism’ is manifested in such independence that we do not really want to
get so close to God that we feel dependent upon him, swamped by his love. Just
as in a marriage a spouse may flee relationships that are too intimate, judging
them to be a kind of invasion of privacy when in reality such a reaction is a
sign of intense immaturity and selfishness, so also in the spiritual arena:
when we are drawn a little closer to the living God, many of us want to back
off and stake out our own turf. We want to experience power so that we can be
in control…. Our deep and pathetic self-centeredness is precisely why it takes
the power of God to transform us…” (p.197)
Choosing Forgiveness by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
I have written a review of this book here. This book was something I really needed.
Not only does it delve into forgiveness, but it goes deeper into anger,
resentment and bitterness. It's a powerful book that every Christian should
“God has grace
available to help us deal with the offense and forgive the offender. At that
point, we have one of two choices: We can acknowledge our need and humbly reach
out to Him for His grace to forgive and release the offender. Or we can resist
Him, fail to receive His grace, and hold on to the hurt.” (Choosing Forgiveness
p. 75)
Distinguishing Marks of the Spirit of God by Jonathan Edwards
This is the first thing I downloaded on my new Kindle that I
got on Christmas day. It was .99! And I read it in 3 days! :-)
In the 1st section he dispels arguments that some
use to show that a work is not of the Spirit of God (example: “What the church
has been used to, is not a rule by which we are to judge; because there may be
new and extraordinary works of God, and he has heretofore evidently wrought in
an extraordinary manner.” And “It is not reasonable to determine that a work is
not from God’s Holy Spirit because of the extraordinary degree in which the
minds of persons are influenced.”). In the 2nd he discusses what
clear indicators are that can make us quite sure a work is of God (example:
“The surest character of true divine supernatural love – distinguishing it from
counterfeits that arise from a natural self love – is, that the Christian virtue
of humility shines in it; that which above all others renounces, abases, and
annihilates what we term self.”), and the 3rd section is application
(here’s a great quote: “Lukewarmness in religion is abominable, and zeal an
excellent grace; yet above all other Christian virtues, this needs to be
strictly watched and searched; for it is that with which corruption, and
particularly pride and human passion, is exceedingly apt to mix unobserved.”)
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
I don’t recall ever reading this before… it was free on my
Kindle. A great
“…now, when suffering
has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught be to understand what
your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a
better shape.”
– Estella to Pip.
Does God Desire All to Be Saved? by John Piper
This is a short book, but very intellectual. It was rather
helpful to me though – and it led me to worship and love God more for His
infinite love, wisdom and mercy! The introduction to the book was great – I
love Piper’s humility about the whole thing!
“God’s expression of
pity and His entreaties have heart in them. There is a genuine inclination in
God’s heart to spare those who have committed treason against His kingdom. But
His motivation is complex, and not every true element in it rises to the level
of effective choice. In His great and mysterious heart, there are kinds of
longings and desires that are real – they tell us something true about His
character. Yet not all of these longings govern His actions. He is governed by
the depth of His wisdom expressed through a plan that no ordinary human
deliberation would ever conceive (Rom 11:33-36; 1 Cor 2:9). There are holy and
just reasons why the affections of God’s heart have the nature, intensity, and
proportion that they do.” (p. 49)
Currently Reading:
On Asking God Why
by Elisabeth Elliot
Addictions – A Banquet
in the Grave by Edward T. Welch (I was reading this as a study with a
friend, and want to finish it this month!)
Additional books I
want to read this month:
Temptation by John
Walking With God
Through Pain and Suffering by Tim Keller
Orthodoxy by G.K.
Chesterton (on my Kindle)
Les Misérables by Victor
Hugo (another Classic that I’d like to read on my Kindle)
Also, over the next 3 months I am taking a Biblical
Counseling course through CCEF (www.ccef.com).
The two books I’ll be reading for it are:
Why Does it Have to Hurt? by Dan McCartney & The
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
BONUS: If you’d like to know what my “top picks” are for
this past year, here they are:
Dug Down Deep by
Joshua Harris
When People are Big
and God is Small by Edward Welch
When I Don’t Desire
God – How to Fight for Joy by John Piper
Choosing Forgiveness
by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
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