Saturday, June 20, 2015

He Heals the BrokenHearted

Sometimes life breaks our heart. Maybe a person let us down, maybe hopes and dreams were dashed, maybe sickness ruined our plans, maybe death took away our loved one, whatever it might be life sometimes leaves us with wounds that can’t be fixed with a band aid. I know what it’s like to hurt, to lose, to wish that life could just be over so the pain would stop. It was amidst this deep darkness and emotional pain that someone told me, “Amelia, I know it’s hard to believe this right now, but the pain will leave. Be patient, keep holding on, God will heal you.” It was hard to believe. When you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel life is very, very discouraging. But in the midst of the storm going on inside of me, I had a rock, and His name was Jesus. Even though I didn’t understand, even though I struggled, I held on to that fragment of faith I had left.

And then God did heal me. It took over a year and a half, but God healed me. One day I suddenly realized there was no underlying sense of sadness and grief anymore. Gone was the weight that had so long pulled me down to despair. And while I still sometimes wonder “why”, I don’t doubt His goodness anymore. I cried then, but these were no longer tears of sadness, rather, tears of happiness. How faithful God had been to me! He had restored me, healed my heart even though I knew I didn’t deserve it. Surely I didn’t. I wish I could say I responded to my trial better, I wish I could say I had a joyful heart and accepted whatever God brought into my life, but I didn’t. I was angry and bitter, and there were times where I was practically pushing Him away. But you know what? He wouldn’t let me go. I was honest with God and vented my anger and bitterness, but then He would gently remind me that He was God, He was my Creator and being angry with Him was not OK. He convicted me ever so gently of my unbelief and doubt and I had to admit that I was actually sinning in my response and cry out to Him to rescue and restore me. Deep down God had placed in me a faith that would never fail and through His grace, even in my darkest times when I felt like I was at the end of my “faith” rope, even then I was given strength to hang on. I am so thankful that God’s grace is sovereign enough to keep me even when I fail and strong enough to heal us when we are broken. I love this quote from Charles Spurgeon: "God is too good to be unkind, too wise to be mistaken; and when you cannot trace His hand, you can trust His heart."  

Perhaps you are in a waiting time right now… perhaps you wonder if the healing will ever come, if you will ever “get over it”, if you will ever really feel happy again. While there are some things that God may see fit to leave us with for the rest of our lives, God does promise to heal our hearts, to strengthen our faith, to equip us to stand in the midst of difficulty. Friend, let my story encourage you – God heals the brokenhearted. He does! Let the song below encourage you…. I would often put it on repeat and listen to it over and over again. He is faithful. Hold on. He will come and He will heal your heart.  


  1. Thank you for sharing your story Amelia! My faith was strengthened by the truths you shared. Love you so much and am so happy for what God has done! KN

  2. Thank you for sharing your story Amelia! My faith was strengthened by the truths you shared. Love you so much and am so happy for what God has done! KN

  3. Amen Amelia!!! It is so good to experience the faithfulness and goodness of our beloved Father! It is so good to know that we can rest in. him and that at the end of every trial or difficult season, He manages to shape us more into the likeness of Jesus!! May God continue to bless you and fill your days with the joy of belonging to Him! Love you tons! 😘


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