In reading this article please make sure you also read
part 1 on what Biblical submission does NOT mean.
I originally wrote this post as a single woman, but updated it a little bit after being married a few years, and after going through a season where I struggled with submission.
The first question of the Westminster
catechism asks, “What is the chief end of man?” The answer, “…to glorify God
and to enjoy Him forever.” The greatest commandment is that we should love God
with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and the second commandment is that
we should love others as we naturally love ourselves. As a wife seeks to submit
to her husband it should be in obedience to these two commandments. The ultimate
goal of submission is to love and glorify God and secondly, it is to love
others, specifically our husband. Submission is not self-centered. It cannot be
forced, in fact, Biblical submission is love. It is a choice you make to honor God and love
someone else more than yourself. As you come to view submission in this way
rather than being drudgery it can become something beautiful. I pray you will
see this and realize that the blessing it can be in your life!
So, what does submission mean?
- Biblical submission is “unto the Lord”.
As I’ve already mentioned,
our submission is not just to our husbands, our submission is primarily to God,
to His Word and His righteousness. It seeks to honor and love God and then love
and honor others. It is a reflection of
the character of Christ who laid down His life for His people. As you
submit to your husband you have an opportunity to be like Jesus - don’t miss
this! While we are called to not resist those who persecute us and forgive those who sin against us, that's different from willingly submitting to it. There are times under persecution that we must meekly bear suffering, but our goal in submission is righteousness and truth. It is not weakness, it stands strong on truth and does not compromise while seeking to honor and respect.
- Biblical submission is encouragement.
Did you know that by
submitting to your husband you are encouraging him? This encouragement may not
be verbal- you can encourage others in many ways besides using your words,
although I would definitely recommend you are verbally encouraging as well! Your husband has a God-given responsibility
to lead (whether you like it or not) and even if he’s slacking in this area
that does not give you the right to put
him down. 1 Thes 5:11 says we ought to “encourage one another and build
each other up”. To criticize or put down your husband is sin, repent and seek
to grow in love towards your husband. Your husband will make mistakes, but
hopefully he is seeking to lead to the glory of God. If he is an unbeliever or
not leading as he should this makes this much harder for you, but remember God
will give you what you need to obey Him. This is not primarily about your
husband, this is about you obeying and glorifying God. Simply deferring to his leadership is a way of encouraging him to lead
and fulfill his God-given responsibility as a husband. You are saying to
him, “I value your opinion, I think you are gifted by God with the ability to
make decisions and lead and I respect that.” (Please refer to the first part of this series and remember that you should not be submitting to your husband while he is sinning against you in an abusive manner. That is encouraging him in his sin, not towards righteousness.)
For a book with helpful
advice on how to better encourage your husband, I recommend THIS one.
- Biblical submission means having an agreeable (non-argumentative) spirit.
1 Cor. 13 says that love
does not “seek its own” as Biblical submission is an expression of love we seek
to serve them rather than our own desires. It
is willing to yield and willing to trust even though you may not completely
agree. There will be times when you will disagree with your husband but there’s
a difference between respectfully disagreeing and being argumentative. By all
means talk it out - even seek wise counsel from someone outside if needed (be
careful with this that it’s not gossip!). But at the end of your discussion,
advice-seeking and prayer, if you still disagree and it’s a situation where it
would not be causing you to sin, wives, we are to submit to our husbands. We
need to first of all trust God that He’s going to watch out for us and then
choose to trust our husband and allow him to lead in the way he believes best. Remember
that your trust is primarily in God as your husband will disappoint you. But if
your trust is in God, He will not forsake you. For sure husbands will make
mistakes, but sometimes you need to let them. It is not your responsibility,
your responsibility is to submit to God and then to submit to your husband. Biblical
submission is willing to yield and allow another person to take responsibility.
- Biblical submission seeks to win over the husband to Christ.
Peter writes, “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands,
that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the
conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear” (1 Peter 3:1-2).
Basically this is saying that if your
husband is an unbeliever, and he observes your love and service to him, he will
see that there is something different about you and be won to Christ through
your example. Biblical submission does
not timidly follow, it actually leads! I will point out that the “fear” she
has in this passage is not fear of her husband, rather it is a fear of God. As
you love God and pursue Him you will also grow in your love towards him. And as
you love him you point and lead him closer to Christ. Win your husband, with love
and with one more weapon: Ladies, you
should be praying for your husband! Not just that he will be who you want
him to be, but pray that he will know Christ, that he will grow in Biblical
wisdom and maturity in Christ.
In summary, Biblical
submission is an expression of love that seeks to serve, encourage, yield and
win to Christ. Remember that Christ is
your all-sufficient portion and is all you truly need. I encourage you to pursue
Christ and grow in love for Him and as you do you will grow in love towards
others as well. May you be blessed and fruitful as you seek to walk in love!
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