Finished this month:
Lord, I Just Want to Be Happy by Leslie Vernick
This was a great book with some good encouragement and
advice for those struggling with depression or who are just not feeling too
happy about life (I can so relate!). Life can be really hard, there are
disappointments; things disrupt our plans and dreams. So many things can
discourage us, failure, unfulfilled expectations, health problems, etc.
Especially for those who are more naturally pessimistic it can be hard to see
the good in suffering. But often we are just looking at life all wrong and not
viewing circumstances, people, ourselves and God in their proper place. What it
comes down to most of the time is that we “need to trust that God is good and
he knows best” (p. 111).
Note: There were a
few spots in this book where theologically I disagreed just a tiny bit, but in
general it was a fine book and you will be encouraged through it.
“Disappointment can lead us out of illusion and into truth
and reality. Sorrow teaches us to let go of our attachments to false or lesser
things and to seek after God.” (p. 35)
“Sometimes we don’t know why, but we can still choose to
thank God for who he is, even if we don’t understand him.” (p. 223)
Secure in the Everlasting Arms by Elisabeth Elliot
I love Elisabeth Elliot! Through all she suffered and went
through she has such confidence and faith in the Lord that just inspires me. No
matter what happens we are secure in God’s loving, sovereign arms.
“It is tempting to imagine that, given a different lot in
life, circumstances other than those in which we find ourselves, we would make
much greater strides in holiness. The truth is that the place where we are is God’s schoolroom, not somewhere
else. Here we may be conformed to the
likeness of Christ.” (p. 131, emphasis hers)
“…one’s commitment to God – a total self-abandonment – is
perquisite to hearing. When we wonder how God will do a thing this may spring
from spiritual lust: I must have an explanation! We demand an answer when we
ought to pray for a deeper confidence in Him who is the answer.” (p. 101)
Men Who Met God by A.W. Tozer
It’s by Tozer, what other explanation for this book do you
need? Seriously though, great short book on some men in the Bible who had
personal encounters with God and it totally changed them. We today need
personal encounters with God. Likely it won’t be a physical appearance or
anything but nevertheless we need to have a spiritual encounter with the living
God in order to be changed, to truly know Him and follow Him.
“Being lonely in this world will only drive you to a closer
communion with God who has promised never to leave you or forsake you. He is
altogether good and He is faithful.” (p. 34-35)
“God the Creator made us for Himself. Our hearts and beings
will never be satisfied until we find out satisfaction in God Himself. Long
before Elijah stood in Ahab’s presence, Elijah met God. That was what made is
salutation to Ahab so significant: ‘I stand before God. God is here with me, I
stand really in His presence, not yours’.” (p.95)
“I confess that [in the church] I found much theology but
little saintliness! I confess also, at this latter date, that I do not care
what denomination or group my brothers and sisters in Christ come from if the
saintliness of God by the presence of the His Holy Spirit is upon them.” (p.
Currently Reading:
I’m reading through Streams
In The Desert by L.B. Cowman, it’s actually a daily devotional, but I’m
reading through it.
Psychology &
Christianity: Five Views edited by Eric L. Johnson
Spurgeon’s Sorrows
by Zack Eswine
Additional books I
want to read this next month:
The Set Apart Woman
by Leslie Ludy
And 1 or 2 more, just not sure which ones yet. Thanks for reading! Let me know what your reading!!!!